we are a tuition centre in singapore with 3 branches across the islandwide. we have a 10 year history and our revenue is consistent and strong
we are a tuition centre in singapore with 3 branches across the islandwide. You can find out more info about us at our website: genytuition.com
we are looking for partners who are familiar with the education industry and can help us grow the business together. At the moment we are in need of better marketing and operations management. We are open to all forms of partnership
we are looking for experienced partners who can help us grow the business together
relevant skills:
tuition coordination
Pls provide info about your background and what you can offer
FYI, our boss can only communicate in mandarin so we hope you can speak mandarin too
Best regards,
pls sms 81667260 if keen (sms only, pls do not call)
In your message, we would appreciate if you can describe what you can offer and your background/skills