I have a shop at bedok reservoir area (near sheng siong supermart) and it is mainly for takeaway food and drinks. We serve food like Burgers, Mee goreng and snacks like cheese fries, popcorn chicken, cheese hotdog. etc. The drinks include traditional bubble milk tea, flavour tea, ice blended drinks and milkshake.
In the past few years, we have our loyal customers which mainly come from the nearby residents and school kids. If there is an event during the weekend then it will be a good business weekend as well.
The reasons for selling the shop is mainly because I need more time for my family commitment. I can give the new owner some of the suggestion for future business growth.
This shop has cheap rental ($1500/mth) for the shop size which makes it very attractive for all level of entrepreneurs including young and experienced one. It is also recommended if you want to do it yourself.
Please feel free to give me a call ( or email (henryhuangis@gmail.com)
There are many more items which can be discussed if you are interested.